Complete the Head & Heart Leader Scale™ and receive a free, personalised report here.

Leadership Study

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I would like to invite you to complete a short, anonymous, 10 minute online survey. I am developing this survey to accompany my next book which will be released in 2025. Your  participation is extremely valuable and will help create a new, free tool (similar to the Head & Heart Leader Scale which accompanied my last book).

There are 54 questions in this survey and it shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes to complete. You will be answering a range questions about yourself, particularly in relation to the way you think, your curiosity and your ability to be flexible in your thinking. There are no right and wrong answers, and anyone over the age of 18 years can participate. Participation is completely voluntary, and responses are anonymous.

At the end of the survey you will be asked for your name and email – you only need to complete this if you would like to receive further information about this research and the tool (so you can receive personalised results) once it is developed.

Thank you so much and please feel free to share this link widely.

Warm wishes

Dr Kirstin Ferguson AM

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Kirstin Ferguson is an award-winning leadership expert, author, columnist and company director.
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